Riding with Joy!

As the Executive Director of Norte, I have the privilege of witnessing the positive influence of our youth bike programs. First is the immediate impact—the smiles, laughter, and high fives. But there are also the more subtle, lasting impacts. They become visible as we watch friendships form and confidence emerge.

Pause with me and think about our little stars on balance bikes. Their first experience with Norte is often during Norte's in-school BALANCE BIKE CLUB. We teach the little stars the basics about bicycles; how to hold the handlebars and balance over the bike. The coordination required between the hands, the feet, and the eyes is complex. Then, there is the magical moment when it all clicks, and the little stars take off. 

As 1st–8th graders, children often join our ADVENTURE BIKE CLUB. In ABC, they explore the neighborhoods surrounding their school. When we ride together we help establish a strong sense of place by forming and expanding a child's understanding of their community. Norte riders learn the safe, fun routes to school, a friend's house, a trip to the library, or the ice cream shop.

MOUNTAIN BIKE CLUB introduces 1st–12th-grade riders to the many trailheads in northern Michigan. It also introduces them to plenty of growth opportunities. The weather, the dappled sunlight, the exhilaration of a challenging climb, and the rewarding downhill thrill. With single tracks and sandy spots, trail maps, and water breaks, Mountain Bike Club teaches grit, determination, and self-pride.

From little stars learning to ride to our shredders in the woods, our riders experience joy, friendships, and accomplishments—building confidence along the way. It is this progression that ties our programs and the growth of our riders together. 

As registration begins for our spring programs on February 1, I invite you to join us in our commitment to building confident, independent, and connected young riders in 2023.

It's a beautiful thing!

Let's roll! 

Jill Sill

Executive Director
Norte Youth Cycling 

P.S. Here's a reminder that everyone deserves to ride with Norte. To help reduce barriers to entry, we offer scholarships and a growing Kids' Bike Library. These efforts help ensure every child has access to the joy of biking there.


Biking Bliss!✨


Rolling together!