Coach with Norte Youth Cycling
Norte coaches are amazing humans first and bikers second. Our mission and impact rely on fun, passionate individuals to help inspire the next generation of cyclists and leaders. We offer programs year-round; in-school, after-school, and during the summer. If you are interested in learning more or joining the team, please apply.
Summer Bike Camp
Norte’s Summer Bike Camp is the coolest way to spend a summer day! If you enjoy visiting area parks, exploring town and trails by bike all while being a solid role model and teaching bicycle safety, this is the perfect job!
Head Coach
Lead coaches plan and coordinate practices with participants and parents. Spring and Fall program lead coaches must be 18 or older and receive $20 per hour.
Assistant Coach
This might be the best part-time job in Traverse City! Assistant coaches must be 15 years or older, have finished their freshman year of high school, and capable of riding 16-24 hours per week. We ask assistant coaches to coach at least four weeks each summer. Summer camp assistant coaches earn $16 per hour.
Spring & Fall Programs
Spring (April- June) and Fall (September-October) programs run after school at several trailheads in Traverse City and surrounding areas. Practices are held two or three days a week for 90 minutes.
Head Coach
Summer Bike Camp head coaches must join for at least four weeks of the 11-week season and be 18 or older. The position requires parent communication, session planning, and attending training sessions. Head coaches are paid $20 per hour.
Assistant Coach
Assistants support the lead coach and help empower all riders. Assistants must be at least 15 years old and have completed their freshman year of high school. This is a non-compensated position.
Questions? Contact!
Frequently Asked Questions About Coaching
Do I need to be an advanced cyclist to be a coach?
No! Primarily we need coaches who can create a safe, fun, welcoming place for kids to ride bikes. You will need to be able to confidently ride a bicycle, but we need coaches from all ability levels.
What are coaches supposed to do with their groups?
Coaches create a safe, fun, welcoming environment that connects our riders to bikes and their community. Coaches teach things like group riding etiquette, bike skills, traffic safety, play fun games, etc. Not sure how to do this? No problem - Norte has a coach training program that will teach you all you need to know to be a successful coach.
What if I don’t know where to ride with kids?
No worries! Norte has a whole list of routes for all ability levels for each coaching location, and we offer site-specific training to guide you through the routes before you begin coaching.
What is the difference between a Head Coach and an Assistant Coach?
Head coaches are in charge of the group, ride at the front of the group, decide routes and other practice logistics, communicate with parents, and are compensated for their time.
Assistant coaches ride in the rear of the group, communicate with the head coach about what they see, follow the lead of the head coach, and volunteer their time. *(summer camp assistant coaches do receive pay).
What supplies/equipment do I need to bring when I coach?
All you will need is to have a backpack, a helmet, and a bike (we can loan you a bike if you need one). Norte will supply the rest of what you will need, such as first aid supplies, extra tubes and flat tire kits, bike tools (allen wrench, monkey wrench, etc), frisbees and other game supplies, a radio, and more.
What training will I receive as a Norte coach?
Coaches will receive training on Norte protocol and policies, safety, first aid/CPR, technical and teaching skills, behavior management skills, site-specific plans/routes, and more. The amount and types of training do vary by program. Training is paid for coaches who receive pay.
Am I required to attend every practice as a coach?
Ideally yes, but we understand that life is busy. We have a list of substitute coaches who can fill in when needed. We ask for advanced notice so we can find you a substitute. Are you interested in working only as a substitute coach? Let us know!
Am I required to coach Spring, Fall, & Summer?
No! You commit to coaching one season at a time. However, if you want to coach for multiple seasons we will gladly take you!
Do I have to coach mountain biking?
No! We have several other opportunities ranging from balance bikes to learning to safely navigate the streets of Traverse City.
Do you know the number one factor that prevents more kids from riding with Norte?
Not enough coaches! That’s why we need YOU! The more coaches we have, the more kids we can move off of waitlists and into bike groups.
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