Bikes + Community

Have you heard the saying, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"? At Norte, we know that bikes and community have the power to create positive change, and that's why we believe a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single pedal stroke.  

Our staff and board gathered this winter to create our next strategic plan. We closely evaluated our successes during the last eight years and the impact we intend to have in the years to come. During this process, we also refined our mission statement. The final results center us on what we do: 

We champion bikes and community in Northern Michigan.

We focus on what we do best and where we have the most impact. And we know bikes are much more than just a mode of recreation or transportation—they provide a pathway to confidence, adventure, and joy. They also provide connections to others and the freedom found on the paths, trails, and streets, which creates a deep knowledge of one's neighborhood. Bikes create and strengthen communities.

Along with our streamlined mission statement, we revisited our core values. These values guide how we work and interact with our community.

  • Our commitment to HEALTH AND WELL-BEING means that we're dedicated to promoting physical and mental health through biking and other active forms of transportation.  

  • We believe in the power of INCLUSIVITY to bring people together and create a welcoming community for all.

  • We emphasize COMMUNITY because it underscores the importance of collaboration and teamwork to create positive change.

  • We value TRUST, a fundamental value that guides our relationships with each other, partners, supporters, riders, and the community.

  • RESPECT is at the heart of everything we do and informs how we approach our work and interactions with others.

As we move forward and continue to grow and evolve, we invite you to join us in championing bikes and community in Northern Michigan. Our coaches, volunteers, donors, staff, business champions, and riders are creating happy, healthy, strong communities one pedal stroke at a time.  

Let's pedal together toward a big bright future!  

Jill Sill
Executive Director

We Champion Bikes and Community in Northern Michigan.
Join Us!


Onward to New Adventures


Passion for Bikes and Getting Outside