Passion for Bikes and Getting Outside

Brick Wheels

This week, we chat with Andy Weir about his involvement in the cycling community and his support for Norte Youth Cycling. He's the new owner of steadfast Norte Business Champion Brick Wheels. He’s also a huge supporter of the Norte Race Team—taking sign ups now!

Q: What inspired you to purchase Brick Wheels?

As a lifelong outdoor enthusiast, owning a bike shop has always been my wife Alicia and my dream. When we moved to Traverse City six years ago, we wanted to connect with the community. Over the years, I developed a relationship with Tim Brick so when he decided to retire, we jumped at the opportunity to buy Brick Wheels.

Q: Why do you think encouraging racing is important? How does it benefit the local community?

I rode my first bike race (Iceman) in 1998 and have been racing ever since. For me, bike racing has always been more about how far I can push myself mentally and physically than a specific result. If I feel good during a race and my head game is in the right place, it doesn't matter where I end up on the results page.

Community support and involvement add to the excitement and energy of any race. If people are out cheering the racers on and everyone doing the race is stoked and happy to be there, everyone will have a better time. Go to any Iceman, and you will feel that energy. Racing inspires people, especially young people.

Q: Please tell us about your involvement with Norte Youth Cycling and the impact of supporting youth cycling programs.

All three of my kids have participated in Norte and benefited from their involvement. Norte teaches kids two things: a love for the outdoors and the thrill of community. If we can teach kids to love being outside and to have fun engaging with others in a shared experience, the world will be a better place.

Q: What advice would you give someone just starting to get into cycling, whether for fun or competition?

My advice is to take it slow. Just remember to have fun with it, whatever it is.

We thank Andy for sharing his passion for cycling and support for Norte. So, sign up today and prepare for a fun, adventurous and community driven season with Norte Youth Cycling!



Bikes + Community


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