Benefits of Walking & Rolling

Brothers walk on a sidewalk with school sign in background.

We’re a month into the 2022-23 school year, and we’re curious: Have you tried walking or biking to school with your little one yet? If you haven’t, we encourage you to give it a try. Any day will work, but there are always Walktastic Wednesdays, or you can join thousands worldwide on October 12 for Walk & Roll to School Day.

If you need some convincing, here are five benefits to taking the active way.

1. Healthier Habits 

We know that how we start our day affects the rest of it. We also know that they’re hard to break once we form habits. So, of course, here at Norte, we support creating the habit of starting the day with a walk or roll for every child. The research is extensive that more active children become healthier, active adults.

2. Cleaner Air, Safer Streets Around Schools

When we trade in the seat belt for a bike helmet or sneakers, we reduce the miles we drive. As a result, we cut automobile pollution and lessen the danger of driving near schools. If we still need to drive most of the way, we can choose to park a few blocks away. The short walk or bike ride still counts as physical activity. Meanwhile, we reduce the length of that dreaded car line and congestion in the neighborhood.

3. Connecting Community

When something good for us catches on, it activates a bit of magic. And there’s indeed magic happening when we join a group of students and their parents on a walk or bike train. Once the group makes it to school, we join others coming in from different directions. The bike rack becomes the place to be. We catch up with friends, make plans, and the social fabric strengthens. It’s a lively and healthy way to kick start the day.

4. A Safety and Confidence Boost

There is safety in numbers when it comes to walking and rolling. That’s because as more of us habitually get out for a walk or bike ride, it raises awareness in the community to drive more carefully. It even helps us be more aware when we’re behind the wheel.

Walking or biking to school also helps reinforce the lessons we pass on to young ones about being safe while staying active. In Norte programs, we teach the skills necessary to confidently navigate the community. The more our children practice those skills on their own, the better the outcome.

5. Increased Investments

When we walk and roll to school (and work!), we make a case for safe, well-maintained sidewalks and trails, enhanced crosswalks, and traffic calming. Last year we saw that come to fruition when — with Norte’s help — the City of Traverse City completed a Safe Routes to School infrastructure investment around ten schools. They also finished a sidewalk bonding program. In just a few years, the city invested $5,614,000 for over 14 miles of sidewalks. So, as they say, you budget what you value!

Did we miss any? Let us know what you value from your walks and rolls to school. Send us an email or tag us on your favorite social media account.

If you have questions or need help connecting with others at your school, give us a shout. We’re here to help. We can help with routes and to connect with others.

P.S. Remember to register for Walk & Roll to School Day. The schools with the most participants will be honored— let’s go!


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