Three Cheers for Norte Volunteers!
This week is National Volunteer Week, recognizing the generous, dedicated people who give their time and effort to improve our community.
The theme for Volunteer Week 2022 is “Empathy In Action.” It’s a reminder of the strong connection between volunteerism, empathy, and building community connections. These values get at the heart of creating happy, healthy, strong communities.
Three hundred volunteers contribute more than 5,000 hours every year to support Norte. These compassionate souls help coach our spring and fall programming. Also, they help us deliver Norte MeetUps, TuneUps, and clean-ups, like painting the Wheelhouse, building shelves, and maintaining our skills track — a true sign of spring!
“Serving together in common purpose has the power to unite us across the lines that sometimes divide.”
Volunteers contribute to Norte because they support the core of our promise. Last year, their efforts helped over 1,200 young riders expand their horizons, build confidence, and learn the power of active living.
Cathy Pugh, 2021 Volunteer of the Year, joined us last year to help roll out an expanded Bikes for All program. She summed up the warmth she felt at each meetup. “Believe and achieve. Norte’s Bikes for All kids never doubt their ability. They always give 100%,” says Cathy. “And they always touch my heart with their smiles and kindness.”
And that’s a feeling that Norte volunteers can identify with because when you give your time and your empathy to others, you always get something back. And the community is better for it.
In his proclamation of Volunteer Week this year, President Biden called volunteerism “a reinforcing cycle.”
“Volunteers are more likely to become further involved in volunteer groups, participate in civic organizations, attend public meetings, and lend a helping hand to their neighbors. Serving together in common purpose has the power to unite us across the lines that sometimes divide.”
We salute the dozens of fantastic people who help Norte elevate our programs and continually connect communities and people. If you’ve never been a volunteer with Norte, we’re ready for you!