Norte is…

Norte is a story, and if you receive this newsletter, your story is part of it. Maybe your story began from the beginning when Ty and Johanna Schmidt founded the organization. Perhaps you were on the first bike train. Perhaps your story started yesterday when you discovered you could rent a balance bike for your five-year-old—and we can even add a bell to it. It’s been eight years, and the Norte story includes thousands of people and countless smiles.

Norte is mighty. Norte is multitudes of staff, volunteers, supporters, mentors, partners, and young people. That’s how the gears of system change turn. Each part, however modest, is critically important to the healthy achievement of the mission and the drive to do something transformative. Norte is you. Norte is all of us.

Norte is also a promise: a promise to empower active-for-life kids, including kids at heart, and build happy, healthy, strong communities. Team Orange looks forward to delivering on that promise, so let us know how we can help.

Join us as part of Norte‘s story — What’s your role?


Meeting the Challenge — Exceeding Expectations


Giving back, rolling onward, creating smiles