Joy of Riding The Loop

We’ve been loving the now completed Boardman Lake Loop. Norte’s Summer Bike Camp teams use it daily. Likewise, many of us on Team Orange go out of our way to traverse the south end. So today, we heap some praise on The Loop.

The Loop connects our community, inspires conversations, and is a result of years of dedication. We’re encouraged to see many parties coming together to make it happen. So it’s fitting that when you ride to the shining new bridge, you will always find groups chatting and making new friends.

On our team, there’s immense gratitude for the many new connections the trail makes. People now have options to walk and roll to homes, businesses, and services, like NMC’s University Center. And the design of the main bridge is a game changer for inspiring views and accessibility. As Norte’s Team Associate, Shea O’Brien, shared, “it has become my place to begin or end the day. Every time, I feel immense gratitude for all the thoughtful planning and dedicated work that went into completing this masterpiece.”

Evan Gray, Vice President of our Board, enjoys that he can stop with his family to enjoy the swans, eagles, and water without blocking the trail. And the lower railings not only provide clear viewing for the little ones but also provides a level of universal accessibility too often missing.

Norte’s program and Education Director, Troy DeShano, loves seeing the smiles the trail experience creates. “I’ve noticed older folks — grandparents, retirees, vacationers — are truly delighted to see children enjoying the great outdoors and the freedom of flying by bike. The experience is pure community and a lovely sense of place,” said Troy.

Lauren Dake, Norte’s Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator hit the trail with her family on the second day. “Our daughter was on the Whee-Hoo bike trailer. My mother was riding an adaptive bike called the Duet, a wheelchair attached to a single-wheeled bike,” said Lauren. “It was such a joy to ride as a family, have a picnic at Oryana, and complete the loop without frustrations. My words cannot express my gratitude for being able to partake in an adventure-based family outing without worry.”

That’s only a taste of the praise for the Boardman Lake Loop here at Norte. So again, we say thank you to everyone who made it possible. Thank you to the City of Traverse City, Garfield Township, Grand Traverse County, TART Trails, and many others.

Join the community for the official Ribbon Cutting Party on Friday, August 19. At 5 pm that night, Norte will lead a slow roll from Hull Park to the south end to join the party. 

We will end the praise with a Haiku from Executive Director Jill Sill.

The Boardman Loop 

Graceful pathway leads
My eyes, my body, my bike
Around bright water


Join us on Friday, August 19 to celebrate the loop at the official ribbon cutting ceremony. We will ride from Hull Park at 5:15 pm for the party at Medalie Park on the south end of Boardman Lake. 


Why? Because it’s fun — duh!


Moving and Connecting People to the Community