Gearing up for fall and Iceman

John Chase is a 32-year veteran of the Iceman Cometh Challenge. He also happens to be Norte's landlord in his position as Grand Traverse County's Parks and Recreation Director. Long attracted to northern Michigan, life lined up perfectly for him when the job became available last April. 

We spoke with John recently about Iceman, what he's excited about in his new role, and what it means to have Norte as a partner at the Civic Center, in the community, and at events like Iceman.

Tell us about your experience riding the Iceman. How long have you been doing it?

Since 1991, I think I've missed it four or five times. The tradition started as a friends' weekend when there were only a few hundred riders in the event. Over the years, it's turned into a true family event for us.

My daughters have ridden with me on a few races, back when they were six and seven years old. I connected a tagalong bike to the back of my mountain bike and took them along with me. So they have each "unofficially" held the record for the youngest finishers of the race at ages six and seven. 

What keeps you coming back every year?

My goal is always to be better than I was the previous year. But really, it's not about the race. It's about the family, the connections, and all the memories of all the things that surround it.

I always get a kick when I look out the window and see the Bikes for All group riding by with huge smiles. 

Let's talk about your new job as county parks director. You came onto the job in April — what drew you to apply?

It was the next step in my career evolution. My wife and I grew up downstate, and we always knew there would be a time in life when we would come Up North. As an outdoor person who loves to bike, ski, kayak, and snowshoe, this is not a bad place to live. To me, the opportunity to steward some of the best parks in the area was too good to pass up. 

How are things going so far?

When you find a career that makes you wake up in the morning and say, "I get to do this" instead of, "I have to do this," you've made a good choice. 

If you want to play a sport, enjoy a theater performance, hear kids' laughter at a playground, paddle a kayak to a campground, take in the thrill of a soccer match or ride a bike around a trail, Grand Traverse County parks have it all. 

We must ask — is Norte, a good tenant at the civic center?

We appreciate the work Norte does — here at the civic center and in the broader community — when it comes to bicycle advocacy and making a difference for the youth of our community. Norte brings a vibrancy to the area. I always get a kick when I look out the window and see the Bikes for All group riding by with huge smiles. 

Norte brings a lot of empowerment to people, especially youth, and that's really cool. 

Cheer on John and 5,000 of his closest friends at this year's Iceman Cometh on Saturday, November 5. See below for how you can join Norte in the weekend celebrations. 


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