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Balance Bike Club—Westwoods

  • Westwoods Elementary School (map)
Balance Bike rider with Norte.

✨ Norte will be at Westwoods Elementary School February 7, 14, and 21 for Balance Bike Club.

(This session is for pre-k students at Westwoods. We have openings for additional schools in April 2023.
We have openings for other schools in April 2023. If you're a school administrator or teacher interested in reserving a spot at your school, let us know ➡️

We know children who move early and often are happier, healthier, and stronger. We also know that keeping them moving in programs like Balance Bike Club has significant benefits for social and emotional learning, improving academic outcomes and behaviors. 

Norte’s in school Balance Bike Club introduces little stars (ages 2–5) to the confidence, independence, and joy that are a direct result of riding bikes. If you’d like to volunteer to help us deliver Balance Bike Club, let us know.

February 1

Registration for Balance Bike Club

February 8

Balance Bike Club—Mill Creek