You can help support these weekly stories with a gift to Norte today.
“I can’t believe how good that made me feel!”
️Keep kids moving. At the root of it, that’s what we do at Norte. We know there are cascading benefits to such a straightforward approach.
Meet the Man in the Orange Suit!
If you’ve ever run into Norte Man, you’ve experienced pure energy and unquestionable positivity. It’s contagious. He is the ultimate hype man, and it goes far deeper.
Ready. Set. Go, Grady!
If you’ve ever run into Norte Man, you’ve experienced pure energy and unquestionable positivity. It’s contagious. He is the ultimate hype man, and it goes far deeper.
Bikes for All, All for Bikes
Norte’s Bikes for All program is for anyone with special needs who want to build a community stay active and connected.